Welcome to the University of South Carolina Linux Users Group (LUG)!

The University of South Carolina Linux Users Group (LUG) welcomes faculty, staff, students, and anyone affiliated with the university who is interested in Linux and Open Source to join our new LUG. We are in the early stages of organizing and are looking forward to bringing together a diverse community of various experience levels. So what do you need to know right now?
We have created a MS Team to use as a primary form of communication and to send out important information as we begin our journey. We invite you to simply join the MS Team with your university provided O365 account by using the following join code and the instructions provided. If you have any trouble joining the Team or have questions feel free to email our organizers at CODOIT-USC-LinuxUsersGroup@mailbox.sc.edu.
Teams Join Code:w97y4dy
This will allow you to join the Team directly with no approval if you use your UofSC O365 account by following these instructions.
Once you have joined, please introduce yourself and let us know what you are looking for in our LUG. Again, thank you for your interest and we look forward to building a great community of Linux and Open Source users!
Meeting Information
We recently held our inaugural LUG meeting in early December 2021 which had a great turnout! We are happy to announce that going forward we will be meeting on the second Tuesday of each month from 3-4 PM . Currently meetings will be held via Teams but we are looking into in-person meetings soon.